Compound Interest Calculator

This advanced compound interest calculator enables you to have a comprehensive analysis of your investments over a defined period of time. 

Compound Interest Calculator

? This is your initial deposit you started with.
? How many (%) Interest will you be getting annually?
? How many years until the maturity of your investment?
? How frequent is the interest added to the principal amount?
? How much money will you be adding to your initial deposit on a Monthly basis?

Compound Interest Curve Chart

This chart compares the growth of your investment under two scenarios. Scenario A represents the growth based on your inputted interest rate. Scenario B shows the potential growth with a 1% higher interest rate, demonstrating the potential difference due to a slight change in rates.

Note: Scenario B provides an illustrative comparison to show potential growth with a slightly higher interest rate.

Example Scenario For Compound Interest Calculation & Breakdown

Investment Details:

Initial Deposit (P): $10,000

Monthly Contribution: $200

Annual Interest Rate (r): 5%

Compounding Frequency (n): 12 (monthly)

Investment Period (t): 20 years


Using the compound interest formula:

A = P (1 + r/n)^(nt) + [Monthly Contribution × ((1 + r/n)^(nt) - 1) / (r/n)]

Plugging in the values:

A = 10000 (1 + 0.05/12)^(12*20) + 200 × [(1 + 0.05/12)^(12*20) - 1] / (0.05/12)


The future value of your investment after 20 years is approximately $109,333.14.


By starting with an initial deposit of $10,000, adding $200 monthly, at an annual interest rate of 5% compounded monthly, you can grow your investment to approximately $109,333.14 over 20 years. This example shows how regular contributions and compound interest can significantly increase your savings over time, illustrating the power of consistent investing and the impact of compounding on long-term financial growth. Try other amounts in the compound interest calculator above to see which one will best serve you.

How can this Compound Interest Calculator benefit you?

This compound interest calculator can benefit you by helping you make valuable personal finance planning and decisions:

Understanding Growth Potential:
It helps you see how your initial deposit and regular contributions can grow over time through compounding, providing a clear picture of the potential returns on your investment.

Motivating Consistent Saving:
It demonstrates the power of compound interest over time, encouraging you to start saving earlier and contributing consistently.

Educational Value:
It provides practical insights into how compound interest works, enabling you to understand the long-term benefits of investing and saving.

Informed Decision-Making:
By adjusting parameters such as interest rate, contribution amounts, or investment duration, you can see the impact of each factor on your savings, helping you make better financial decisions

Comparing Scenarios:
You can compare different investment scenarios, such as varying contribution levels, interest rates, or investment periods, to understand the potential outcomes of different financial strategies.

Visualizations of this Tool:

Interactive Visualizations: Once you input your details, our calculator provides visually appealing graphs to help you understand:

  • => How your investment grows year by year.
  • => The contribution of your principal, yearly additions, and interest to the future value of your investment.
  • => How your loan amount compares to the future value of your investment.
  • => The potential difference in growth if the interest rate was slightly different.

Simply fill in the relevant details and let our calculator do the heavy lifting! Whether you’re a newbie investor or a seasoned pro, this tool will surely enhance your financial planning process.

The Compound Interest Formula Used.

The compound interest formula traditionally used is:

compound interest Formula

Breakdown of the formula:

  • is the future value of the investment/loan, including interest.
  • is the principal investment amount (initial deposit or loan amount).
  • is the annual interest rate (in decimal form).
  • is the number of times interest is compounded per year.
  • is the number of years the money is invested/borrowed for.

Besides this Calculator, you can also check other finance calculators on our site to perform a variety of financial calculations.